What's New?

  • Riding on snowmobile trails is a priviledge not a right.
  • Stay on the trail or stay at home! 
  • These trails are on private property not public. The land owners are nice enough to let us ride on their land so please don't ruin it for everyone.

What's New?

September Meeting Notice

by Fayette Sno Goers on 09/15/21

Date: September 21, 2021 

Time: 7:00pm 


Items for this meeting 
- Trail hour checks 
- Memberships & Sponsorships 
- Set dates for various items 
- Groomer Updates - sprockets, 2nd machine 

 See you Tuesday at the meeting!

Order some clothes!

by Fayette Sno Goers on 02/26/21

The online apparel store is ready! https://fayettesnogoers.itemorder.com/sale

You must order by Wednesday, March 10th!

Trails Closed

by Fayette Sno Goers on 02/23/21

Our trails are now closed, as of Tuesday 2-23 at 6am in hopes of reopening for the weekend.

February Meeting Notice

by Fayette Sno Goers on 02/10/21

Date:  February 16, 2021

Time:  7:00pm 

Location:  Rut-Roh's in Fayette 


Items from previous meeting 

  • Poker Run results
  • Trail Commission info/County Alliance, more info coming
  • Club Clothing online store, more info coming

Item for this meeting
  • Auction Details
  • Raffle Tickets need to be sold!
  • County Alliance

We are having a Weenie Roast this Saturday (2/13) at the Calamine pavilion.  We plan to have a bonfire going.  People can stop and roast a hot dog or just warm up quick.  100 hot dogs, buns, and some chips are being donated by McCarville's My Turn Pub.  There will be donation buckets set around for trail maintenance.  Just wanted to have a little "feel good" event for fellow riders and the community.

**** Double reminder **** Trail maps are out! Check local businesses, our website or Facebook page. Stay on the trails please!

Trails are opening at 8am tomorrow (Saturday, 01/23).

by Fayette Sno Goers on 01/22/21

Trails are opening at 8am tomorrow (Saturday, 01/23).